23 Oct 24 // Book presentation

Book presentation

Exhibition catalogue ‘immer modern! Berlin and its Streets’


The exhibition catalogue shows eight ‘Great Streets of Today’ and ten ‘Great Streets of Tomorrow’ and calls for a debate on how we can say goodbye to the idea and practice of the car-friendly city - in a dialogue between politics, administration, science and business.

Wanda Spangenburg, Bücherbogen; Rudolf Spindler, Wasmuth Verlag

Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz, former Professor of Planning Sociology and Architectural Sociology, TU Berlin, curator of the exhibition ‘immer modern! Berlin and its streets’ 
Tobias Nöfer, Chairman of the Architects‘ and Engineers’ Association of Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

Ort, Datum, Uhrzeit
Bücherbogen am Savignyplatz GmbH

Stadtbahnbogen 593
Berlin 10623

S-Bahn Savignyplatz

23 Oct 24